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Robert Cram
Cram, Robert: Envol
River of Fire
Lawrence Cherney
Cherney, Lawrence: The Charmer
Wind Quintet: I. Andante
York Winds
York Winds: Folia
Wind Quintet: II. Adagio
Wind Quintet: III. Allegro scherzando
I. Prologo
Suzanne Shulman
Bloch: Suite Hebraique / Cherney: Music for A Summer Wedding
II. Processione quasi Sarabande
III. Finale quasi Toccata
In Gottes Gärten schweigen die Engel
Brian Cherney & Paul Vaillancourt
Shifting Cells
Orchestre Métropolitain
Orchestre Metropolitain 2
7 Miniatures in the Form of a Mobile
Rivka Golani
Golani, Rivka: Viola Nouveau
Brian Cherney Documentary: Beginning
Brian Cherney
Cherney, B.: Like Ghosts From an Enchanter Fleeing / String Quartet No. 3 / In the Stillness of September (Canadian Composers Portraits)
Brian Cherney Documentary: My father was much more realistic
Brian Cherney Documentary: As a child I heard music in my head
Brian Cherney Documentary: For Cherney, time is the framework that binds the notes
Brian Cherney Documentary: In his music I hear a lot of sadness
Brian Cherney Documentary: The idea of using stillness
Brian Cherney Documentary: I have a theory that the sounds of that place