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Browning My Dear (Woodcock)
Hespèrion Xxi, Jordi Savall
Elizabethan Consort Music, 1558-1603
In Nomine II A 5 (Woodcock)
In Nomine III A 5 (Woodcock)
Clement Woodcock, The Royal Wind Music
Sweete Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
Waytes: English Music for a Renaissance Band
Browning my dear
Cambridge String Ensemble
Music for Elizabeth I - Court music from her reign
Browning Fantasy
Musica Dolce
Pehrsson, Clas: Music for Recorder Ensemble
Browning My Dear
Music for Elizabeth I. : Court Music from Her Reign
Joculatores Upsalienses
Joculatores Upsalienses: Four Seasons (The)
Woodcock, Browning My Dear
Circa 1500 Directed By Nancy Hadden
New Fashions - Cries and Ballads of London
Lestrange Viols
Æternum: Music of the Elizabethan Avant Garde from Add. MS 31390
From Byrd To Birds