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The Day of Rest: Shalom Aleikhem
Naftali Herstik
Vienna Boys Choir: A Jewish Celebration in Song
The Day of Rest: Uv'nuho Yomar
Sheve B'rakhot (excerpt)
Kevin Deas
Introducing The World Of American Jewish Music
The Day of Rest
Milken Archive of Jewish Music: The American Experience
Sheve B'rakhot (arr. S. Spiro for choir): Sheva b'rakhot (arr. S. Spiro)
Simon Spiro
SPIRO, Simon: Traditional Cantorial and Concert Favorites
Shofar blasts: Hayom harat olam
Melissa Berman
Milken Archive Digital Vol. 3 Album 6: Seder t'fillot – Traditional & Contemporary Synagogue Services
Mizmor shir (arr. S. Kalib)
Jack Barkin
The Art of the Cantor Part 4
The Day of Rest: Mimm'komo
The Day of Rest: Prelude
The Day of Rest: Havdala
The Day of Rest: Eliyahu Hannavi