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Zodiac Suite: Variation 5: Taurus
Jerome Reed
Reflected Light
An die Nachgeborenen (To Those Born Later): I. Wirklich, ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten! (Truly, I Live in Dark Times!)
Hamburg Staatliche Hochschule Fur Musik Choir
An die Nachgeborenen (To Those Born Later): II. In die Stadte kam ich zur Zeit der Unordnung (I Came to the Cities in a Time of Disorder)
An die Nachgeborenen (To Those Born Later): III. Ihr, die ihr auftauchen werdet aus der flut (You Who Will Emerge From the Flood)
B-A-C-Homage: I. B-A-C-Homage
Laura Krentzman
Spectra, Vol. 2: A Concert of Music by Members of Connecticut Composers, Inc.
B-A-C-Homage: II. Ich Bin's, Nachtigall
I. ...From the Outward Petals...Fierce Light Blooms
Elizabeth R. Austin
II. ...Moving Towards...The Center of the Rose...
III. ...Moving Away from the Center...Bittersweet, Full of Scent
Symphony No. 1 "Wilderness"
Melinda Liebermann
Window Panes
I. Lighthouse - Water Tower Mannheim - Watch Hill
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra Olomouc
II. Burlesque on a Theme by Johann Stamitz
III. Elegia
No. 1, Rag Quodlibet
Ulrich Urban
No. 2, The Bellagio Blues
No. 3, Hoedown
No. 1, The Face of All the World
No. 2, Say Over Again