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The Stranger Dressed in Black
Pat Kelly
Rockabilly's Finest, Vol. 3
Jesus Savior Pilot Me
The Stanley Brothers
Which One Is to Blame
Indoor Music
Phonographic Memory
If You're Feeling Tired
Fàilt' air Rubha Bhatairnis
Calum Ross
Mu Dheireadh Thall
Ah, Holy Jesus
Messiah College Concert Choir
The Blind Boy's Dog
Rhezgar Music
Prelude on "Unser Herrscher" (After Neander)
Marilyn Keiser
The People Respond Amen!
Reading: Mary's Story: As Told By St. Luke
Songs of Grateful Praise
Night of Silence
Wartburg Choir, Wartburg College Castle Singers, Wartburg College St. Elizabeth Chorale, Wartburg College Ritterchor, Wartburg College Kantorei, Wartburg College Wind Ensemble & Wartburg College Kammerstreicher
From Heaven Above: Christmas with Wartburg 2017
Demonstration of New Holtkamp Organ
John Ferguson
Celebration! Boe Memorial Chapel
Holy God, We Praise Your Name
The Seminary Chorus
Across the Years, Across the Miles
Gus Am Bris an Latha
Rm Hubbert
Thirteen Lost & Found
Play It Cool
Upbeat Swing Orchestra