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12 Pieces for Children: No. 6, My Darling and Marjan (Variation)
Mikael Ayrapetyan
Komitas: Piano & Chamber Music
12 Pieces for Children: No. 1, Rain Has Come
12 Pieces for Children: No. 2, Rain Has Come (Variation)
12 Pieces for Children: No. 4, Water Flowing from the High Mountain
12 Pieces for Children: No. 5, My Darling and Marjan
12 Pieces for Children: No. 7, I'm a Girl
12 Pieces for Children: No. 8, Kharalo
12 Pieces for Children: No. 9, The Mountain, the Mountain
12 Pieces for Children: No. 10, The Mountain, the Mountain (Variation)
12 Pieces for Children: No. 11, The Sun, the Sun
12 Pieces for Children: No. 12, Piece in the National Spirit
12 Pieces for Children: No. 3, Pchapuri