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9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 1, Cherubic Hymn No. 1
Ndr Chor
Tchaikovsky: Sacred Choral Music
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 2, Cherubic Hymn No. 2
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 5, It Is Truly Worthy
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 3, Cherubic Hymn No. 3
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 4, We Sing to Thee
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 6, The Lord's Prayer "Our Father"
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 7, Fortunate Are They Whom You Have Chosen
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 8, Let My Prayer Ascend
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 9, The Powers of Heaven Now Serve Invisibly
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: 9 Sacred Pieces: No. 5: Dostoyno est'
Cambridge Singers
Hail! Queen of Heaven - Music in Honour of the Virgin Mary
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: 9 Sacred Pieces: VII. Blazheni, iazhe izbral (Blessed are they)
The Choir Of Clare College Cambridge
Light of the Spirit
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 8 in D Minor, Let My Prayer Ascend
Chœur D'enfants Vesna, Alexander Ponomarev
Children Singing for Children, Vol. 1
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 3, Cherubim's Song
Prague Chamber Choir
Tchaikovsky: Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 41 TH 75
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 7, Blazheni, yazhe izbral (Blessed Are They, Whom Thou Hast Chosen)
9 Sacred Pieces, TH 78: No. 9, Nyne sily nebesnyya (Now the Powers of Heaven)
Choir Of The Moscow Choral Academy
Millennium of Russian Music, Vol. 3