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Happy End: Surabaya-Johnny
Gisela May
Weill, K.: Happy End / Das Berliner Requiem / The Threepenny Opera / Aufstieg Und Fall Der Stadt Mahagonny
Happy End: Happy End: Matrosen-Tango
Carole Farley
Tango In Blue
Happy End: Happy End: Bilbao Song
Lotte Lenya
Weill: Mack The Knife - Songs of Kurt Weill (1929-1956)
Happy End: Happy End: Surabaya Johnny
Happy End: Surabaya Johnny
Diane Dufresne
Weill: Songs & Symphony No. 2
Happy End: Matrosen-Tango
Weill, K.: Songs (Lenya, Weill) (1928-1944)
Happy End: Der Bilbao-Song
Happy End: Happy End: Surabaya-Johnny
Marianne Oswald
Happy End: Der Song von Mandelay
Lewis Ruth Band
Weill: Die Dreigroschenoper, Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny & Songs (Recorded 1928-1944)
Happy End: Matronensong
Introduction. Largo - Allegro (Hosiannah Rockefeller)
Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weill (The Seven Deadly Sins; Happy End) [Great Performances]
Bilbao-Song. Allegro moderato
Der kleine Leutnant des lieben Gottes (Lieutenants of the Lord). March tempo
Geht hinein in die Schlacht (March Ahead). Allegro molto
Matrosen-Tango (The Sailor's Tango). Tango-tempo