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Artist, Contributor
Industrial Troll, The Markov Chain, Industrial Darkwave
Kenji Vitiello, Russolo Luigi, Industrial Troll
Industrial Troll, Russolo Luigi, Kenji Vitiello
Industrial Troll, Fuzzy Snakes, Quantum Decoherence
Industrial Troll, Imaginariums Of Molecular Diffusion, Cheese Whiz
Industrial Troll, Jatte Dreams Of Cheese Whiz, Dziwne Dziobaka
Kaos Muzikë, Cheese Whiz, Industrial Troll
The Markov Chain, Industrial Troll, Donkey Rhubarb
Industrial Troll, Industrial Platypus, Industrial Music Factory
Industrial Industrial, Industrial Troll, Kaoso Hudba
Industrial Darkwave, Industrial Industrial, Industrial Troll
Experimental Electronic Playground, Industrial Music Factory, Industrial Troll
Experimental Electronic Playground, Darque Wave, Industrial Troll