After two superb albums, it's perhaps inevitable that
Ojos de Brujo can't quite keep up the magnificence. After expanding their horizons to great effect with Techari, they try the same trick again, although it doesn't work as well, because most of the material isn't as strong, with the possible exception of "Donde Te Has Metio," a neo-rap that's a perfect vehicle for vocalist
Marina Abad and a pair of flamenco guitars, blending old and new perfectly. Beyond that, though, the songwriting is quite mediocre, most of the tracks with a dragging mid-pace. It's a shame, since the group has proved itself so well in the past, but after two great highs, could only be expected, and a flurry of guests doesn't help, as the band steps back from the trailblazing they'd done so well in the past. "Tantas Flores" brings them closer to the true heart of flamenco, but
Abad's fairly emotionless vocals ultimately let it down. It's not a disaster, but more a holding action that doesn't see any real progress. ~ Chris Nickson