The two worlds named in the title of this Daniel Paul release may refer to New Age and world music (the two respective styles Paul bridges here), or it may indicate something more metaphysical: the space between the spiritual and phenomenological realms, or the space between waking and dreaming. Whatever the title's intended meaning, Paul does explore barely perceptible areas here: his webs of percussion (Paul plays the tambour, dumbek, and tabla) evoke a twilight world in which the other instruments (including guitars, flutes, various assorted percussion, and voices) paint beautiful, ephemeral patterns against the sonic landscape.
There is a heavy world-music influence to BETWEEN TWO WORLDS that draws, in particular, from Indian and East Asian sounds, motifs, and modalities, but the overall sound owes a debt to ambient and New Age sensibilities. The resulting musical stew should appeal to a wide range of adventurous listeners.