Release type

Black and White Minstrel Show Archive '60 (Stereo)

Product information

8 Tracks


Black and White Minstrel Show Archive '60 (Stereo)

Release options


2011 Digital Gramophone

  • 1

    Meet The Mintrels: My old Kentucky Home/Ring, ring de banjo!/Oh! Susanna/Oh! dem golden slippers/L'il Liza Jane/Take me to that Swanee shore/Camptown Races/I want to be in Dixie/Remember/If you were the only girl in the world


    Popularity 0/10
  • 2

    Leslie Stuart Memories: Little Dolly Daydream/I may be crazy/Sweetheart May/Lily of Laguna


    Popularity 0/10
  • 3

    In The Moonlight: Shadow Waltz/Me and my shadow/By the light of the silvery moon/Dream, dream, dream/When I grow too old to dream


    Popularity 0/10
  • 4

    Your Requests: You must have been a beautiful baby/Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow-wow/She was one of the early birds/Daisy Bell/Moonlight Bay/Dew-dew-dewey day/Ma! (He's making eyes at me)/I'm looking over a four leaf clover/Yes Sir! That's my baby


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  • 5

    Meet The Girls: Lulu's back in town/Miss Annabelle Lee/Mary's a grand old name/K-K-K-Katy/Cecilia/Ramona/Laura/Oh you beautiful doll


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  • 6

    A Tribute To Al Jolson: I'm sitting on top of the world/There's a rainbow 'round my shoulder/Carolina in the morning/California, here I come/Swanee/Let me sing and I'm happy/My Mammy/-a-bye your baby with a Dixie melody


    Popularity 0/10
  • 7

    Memories Of Stephen Foster: Poor old Joe/Jeanie with the light brown hair/Beautiful dreamer/Come where my love lies dreaming


    Popularity 0/10
  • 8

    Grand Finale: Coal black Mammy/Polly Wolly Doodle/Some folks do/When the saints go marching in/Back home in Tennessee/I wish I was in Dixie/When the midnight choo-choo leaves for Alabam'/Camptown Races


    Popularity 0/10