Two CDs of field recordings of the Aka Pygmies, originally issued on LP in 1978, are now combined in one lovely package, with some excellent, complete liner notes. Music is part of daily life for the pygmies, as that's well illustrated here; every activity comes with singing, sometimes accompanied by varying forms of percussion, and some spare instrumentation, like the mo-beke, a kind of whistle, that features of "Nzombi." There are songs and music for activities, some with more sacred values, like "Mokondi," which is sung to dedicate a new camp. And there are song tales, songs of mourning, and for divination. There's some fascinating insight here, as well as some astonishing music. However, it's likely to be of interest to ethnomusicologists more than the general public, which is a shame, since there are beautiful melodies to be heard (great recording quality, too). ~ Chris Nickson