Christian indie rock? It had to happen, what with Christian metal and punk rock having been around for a decade or longer. Singer/songwriter
David Bazan of
Pedro the Lion is surely devout, but rather than preach a clean lifestyle or dedicate his music to Jesus, his songs are about believing in, questioning, and challenging his faith. His fans are more indie than Christian, digging his lilting whine of a voice and his downbeat, somber tunes, which occasionally rock but more often drone.
Control is in no way a departure from his other albums.
Bazan, who plays guitar, drums, bass, and keyboards on
Control and often handles all the instruments on his records, is joined this time by Casey Foubert on bass, percussion, and keyboards.
Bazan is a fine guitarist and his tunes are strong but he's no
Elliott Smith yet. Perhaps if he expands his songwriting and subject matter, he could be a future heir to the tragically vacated indie rock confessional throne Smith occupied. ~ Adam Bregman