It's hard to believe that
Metric couldn't find anyone to release this album following label changes. What's even more surprising, though, is how well it fits into their current sound despite being recorded in their infancy back in 1999. While rather void of the edgy and rock-fuelled songs that would come later like "Monster Hospital,"
Grow Up and Blow Away is an excellent primer of what was to come with "Live It Out" and "Old World Underground, Where Are You Now!." The light, melodic electro-pop feel is all over the title track as lead singer
Emily Haines shows her talents early and often. Meanwhile, things pick up slightly with the catchy, danceable and tight "Hardwire" that instantly brings to mind
the Cardigans. The first ordinary song is "Rock Me Now" which resembles a stream-of-conscious poem over a simple electro-based backbeat but things return to an above average level with the moody "The Twist" as
Haines churns out one sweet vocal after another.
Metric rarely falter on this record, with "Soft Rock Star" living up to its title, a soft rock gem in the vein of
Keane. The remix version is just as sweet and sugar-coated, driven by
Haines angelic-like delivery. A similar approach comes during the tender, strolling "White Gold." ~ Jason MacNeil