Originally released in 1993, the reissued third album by this ambitious Czech band is probably their strongest, most consistent release. Sporting comical-absurdist lyrics like their countrymen the Plastic People,
Pere Ubu is also a great influence to UZD, but even more so the Alfred Jarry play than the
David Thomas band of the same name. Jerky stop-start rhythms dominate here with rousing, sweeping cadences and hysterical (in more ways than one) singing as songs go through one jarring movement after the next. The opening song, "Koroze," starts with sax-bleats over punishing beats moving to clapping, crying and then a sea chanty. The title track moves from sweet crooning to the band growling "I love you!" like a threat over a hammered assault. "Jassica" starts as a boozy shout-a-long, moving along to pseudo-operatic howls and screams over dour piano chords. A pop-up picture book produced by the band around the same time gives you an idea of what you can expect from UJD -- a wild, engaging ride.