Anna Calvi loved her third album so much, 2018’s Hunter, that she’s come back to it to deconstruct and build it back up again. And for four out of the seven of the revisited songs, the British singer shares the mic: with Charlotte Gainsbourg (Eden), Courtney Barnett (Don’t Beat the Girl out of My Boy), Julia Holter (Swimming Pool) and band Idles (Wish). The exercise is all the more interesting as she hides her usual panache in order to refine her songs to the extreme and play more on the textures of her voice (and those of her featured guests). She tones down her penchant for the gothic in favour of the sensuality, or even the sexuality of her art. This is evidenced with the powerful duet with Gainsbourg, or the whispered Away, which was already stripped back on Hunter. In thirty short minutes, Calvi certainly confirms that she is a singularly captivating artist. © Marc Zisman/Qobuz