On their sophomore release,
Illuminate, the members of
the David Crowder Band leave no one in the dark regarding their collective talents. This 16-song set rides a sonic edge that is helping lead modern worship into new, uncharted territory. The six-man group is unabashed in putting 21st century, Christ-centered optimism to a brilliant innovative sound. The songs have as much depth as you would expect from a group that blends three guitars, an electric fiddle, a punching bass, and endless drum loops. Frontman
David Crowder adds a layer of poignant thoughtfulness with his lyrics. Their collective synergy cannot be hidden, as verses rise to chilling anthems in toe-tappers like "How Great" and "No One Like You." The first single, "O Praise Him (All This for a King)," climbs to an ecstatic climax in hailing the regality of the Savior. The guys don't get carried away, though; they lay down enough quiet spots, like "Only You" and "All Creatures No. 2," for you to digest the passionate testimonies that accompany every beat. Even the reprises and interludes have something to say: the instrumental "Coming Toward," for example, could be a soundtrack for spiritual awakening. Don't expect these guys to do anything quietly. There's too much in them begging to be heard. ~ Jared Johnson