Jake and the Neverland Pirates, based on Disney’s animated classic Peter Pan, follows the adventures of a handful of kid pirates as they do their best to outwit the notorious Captain Hook and his bumbling sidekick, Smee. The soundtrack, a rousing, 18-track collection of spirited “Pirate Rock,” which comes off as one part Adam Ant, one part Alestorm, and a whole lot of the Wiggles, was composed and performed by newcomers Kevin Hendrickson and Loren Hoskins, a Portland, Oregon-based duo that specializes in “family friendly pirate music,” and were discovered by Bob Gannaway, the show’s creator, after a random internet search for "pirate music for kids" turned up multiple hits for Captain Bogg & Salty, the pseudonyms the pair had been performing under since 2000.
© James Christopher Monger /TiVo