Khaled Khaled was preceded by "Greece" and "Popstar," advance singles that together provided the only aspect of DJ Khaled's 12th album -- back-to-back singles featuring only Drake -- that could be considered surprising. Those two songs, lean prowlers with the MC alternating from flaunting mope to cold-blooded player, also hit the Top Ten, essentially fulfilling the purpose of Khaled Khaled before it was out. This turns out to be roughly as crowded as any given Khaled LP, with most of the space occupied by regulars such as Rick Ross, Meek Mill, Justin Bieber, Nas, and Jay-Z, the latter two of whom are heard together on the sleepy "Sorry Not Sorry." Out of the tracks featuring artists making their first appearance on a Khaled album, the biggest wasted opportunity is the one with H.E.R., "We Going Crazy," monotonous sunshine reggae where all Khaled can muster, after H.E.R. and Migos' 12th utterance of the title, is the 13th utterance, followed by "They say we crazy/I told 'em we very crazy." The customary meeting with dancehall stars, "Where You Come From," closes out the set in fine style, but doesn't prevent the album from contending for Khaled's most disposable project.