Watchmaker's debut album, Kill Crush Destroy, leaves much to be desired, which is unfortunate for a band with such original ideas. Kill Crush Destroy sounds like it was a garage recording that someone mistakenly retrieved from the garbage man and thought was worth releasing. Watchmaker attempts to be death metal, creating an impenetrable wall of noise which unfortunately also prevents vocalist Brian Livoti from being heard. What little vocals do slip through this cataclysm of sound are indistinguishable and literally painful to listen to. If singled out, each member performs quite well, and all four seem to be skilled musicians. As one unit, though, they lose this skill, and instead are reduced to four men furiously playing separate songs, while Livoti wails as if his legs were just flattened by a steamroller. Watchmaker may have potential, but listening to Kill Crush Destroy, the only positive one can draw from the album is that it's heavy and fast. This is a starting point, but as a group Watchmaker has much to overcome. ~ Jason D. Taylor