This is the Cajun music of the dance halls, as this was recorded at the VFW Post 8971 and Ladies Auxiliary Hall, in Eunice, LA, on September 18, 1993. If you want to stay sharp then there is no better place to play your chops than at home because you want to appear good to the folks that helped make you, and because they are less forgiving and want more from you. This band makes no bones about drawing on and preserving the traditional music of Dewey Balfa (his daughter
Christine is playing with them), and they at times try to stretch the boundaries, just as Balfa attempts to extend and recreate the music when he is playing. Listen to the crowd and try to keep your feet from dancing while they whip on the music. If you really want to hear the band at its best go see them when they tour near you; you won't leave the hall dry or disappointed. Until then put this in the player and pretend. ~ Bob Gottlieb