Soon after leaving Ninja Tune in 2018, Amon Tobin created his own label: Nomark. At its inception, Tobin promised back-to-back records, and he wasn't lying! Long Stories is his third studio album of 2019, after Fear in a Handful of Dust in the spring and Time to Run, which he released this summer under his new alias Only Child Tyrant. Like Fear…, Long Stories was composed around a single instrument, a half-broken Suzuki Omnichord (which sounds like an electric accordion and was also used by Brian Eno and the Human League in the 80s). "I am fascinated by this instrument," Tobin explained to Billboard. "Track by track, I composed around it until I created a cohesive record." The result is a spellbinding and melancholic album, the soundtrack to psychedelic stroll. The LP barely has a drum rhythm but makes up for it with its exceptional quality of production, a staple of the Brazilian artist. With four additional albums in the making, is Amon Tobin becoming too prolific? Perhaps...but if his albums are all consistently this good, his fans will be begging for more. © Smaël Bouaici / Qobuz