On her eighth studio effort, reggaeton's leading lady offers her usual mix of straight-up reggaeton and flirtations with pop and/or R&B, but this time it's the former that's most striking and vital. Hard-hitting cuts like "No Hay!!!" and "La 'Killer'" boom with that street attitude and
the Queen's stern delivery, but it's the closing "Real G4 Life" that tops them all, slowly slithering out of the speakers and winding about the room like a serpent about to strike. All are worth inclusion on her next "best-of," and so are the more polished "Peligro de Extinción" and the elegant and bittersweet "A Donde Va." Put together, this is the proper
Ivy Queen mix of pop and punch, and even if the album just barely crosses the half-hour mark, it's easier to praise it for being tight and lean than to complain about its brevity. Diva status maintained. ~ David Jeffries