Permanently Stated is an interesting and successful period piece of pop psychedelia. The album seems to be a logical progression of the satire of "Judy in Disguise," the band's number one parody of
the Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds." Though it doesn't totally shun the group's R&B base (e.g., "Hey Hey Bunny" and especially "Little Dum Dum"), most of the album explores late-'60s psychedelia. "We Played Games," the great opening cut, seems almost innocent in its lyrical and musical content. By the third number, however, optimistic lyrics give way to the spoken ending, "Send my message to the sky as I begin to die." Musically, "Permanently Stated" is quite adventurous, with various complex horn and string arrangements and vocal choruses. The record is at its most
Beatles-esque with "Before the Change," which features string arrangements and distortions that sound straight out of the "I Am the Walrus" sessions. It's difficult to ascertain if the band is trying to be serious in all its musical and lyrical diversity, or is just having fun exploring the music of its day. Either way, the album is enjoyable from start to finish. ~ Michael Ofjord