You might justifiably expect sparks to fly on this collaborative effort, given the careers of Ehrlich and his compatriots, trio members Michael Formanek and Peter Erskine. Unfortunately, it rarely happens, and while all three are exquisite players individually, this disappointing, often tepid recording stands as an opportunity not fully realized. In part it might be the result of different styles: Ehrlich, of course, is the more adventurous of the group, but Erskine, whose heart is usually in more commercial ventures, seems comfortable with the music. The pieces are all originals by the trio members, but there are times when a certain boredom pervades the music. To be fair, there are some aggressive, exciting moments, too, but they are the exception. Ehrlich continues to show remarkable versatility on alto and tenor saxophones, clarinet, and flute (where he is particularly lyrical).
© Steven Loewy /TiVo