Trio Mediaeval is a group of three women from Norway who sing unaccompanied harmonies using medieval polyphony as a point of departure. Even given that we can never really know what 800-year-old music sounded like in its own time, it can be said that they remake medieval pieces according to their own wishes rather than researching their original sound worlds. Their harmony singing is striking. It's highly expressive, with a variety of subtle vocal moves enlivening what is basically an austere musical vocabulary; they apply vibrato at times, and they relax the tempo slightly in order to bring out the pungent dissonances that pass by from time to time in medieval polyphony, with its predominantly linear conception. Stella Maris presents six examples of the freely composed conductus genre that flourished in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, one unique multitextual English piece (Dou way Robin/Sancta Mater), and Missa Lumen de Lumine, a Mass Ordinary setting by contemporary Korean composer
Sungji Hong.