Following in the footsteps of the superb Tragic Epilogue and the Japan-only Shopping Carts Crashing, The Ends Against the Middle EP is seven more songs of genius raps and murky, demented hip-hop electronica. Where too many collectives try too hard to sound like DJ Shadow and match their samples with subpar scratching, Antipop Consortium concentrate on their melodies as much as, if not more than, their raps. Sinister and aggressive, yet wholly accessible due to the mind-numbing vocal skills on display, these seven smart sonic creations blend into one long treat. Glitchy, twinkling electronics and insanely entertaining puns and word associations make for a fun, spooky listening experience. Standouts include the weird textured beats of "3903" and the echoing head funk of "Splinter." Longtime fans of Warp might balk at the release of a rap album, but The Ends Against the Middle defies genre labeling. With its twisted, thrilling IDM undertones and its intense atmosphere, The Ends Against the Middle makes perfect sense as a Warp release. As on other releases, Antipop Consortium stand above many of their hip-hop and electronica peers here, because they're as talented at blending their influences as they are at molding innovative, inspiring songs.