The solid first season of The Mandalorian ends with a thrilling finale, both onscreen and on
Ludwig Goransson's score. The best moments coincide with the droid IG-11's heart-pounding heroics, including the wild electronics of "Nurse and Protect" (which sounds like something
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross could create), the swelling "Sacrifice," and, spoiler alert, "A Warrior's Death." It's high drama throughout, as
Goransson amplifies the dread on "The Ewebb" and cranks up the intensity for the final conflict of "Mando Flies." As far as successful scores go,
The Mandalorian: Chapter 8 -- and the series as a whole -- succeeds in firmly bonding
Goransson's stylistic vision and the catchy leitmotifs to this property, becoming an indelible part of the entire experience. He's taken a pressure-loaded, decades-spanning legacy and created something fresh and new for Star Wars, just as creator Jon Favreau's television show has done for the universe's visual element. ~ Neil Z. Yeung