The first installment of the Segovia Collection by the classical division of MCA, an album to Bach was one of the first modern (read: CD) releases of the master of the classical guitar,
Andrés Segovia. All of the works appearing on this album originated in the hands of the great composer Bach, as the title foretells. The careful playing of one of the Baroque composer's most faithful transcriptionists brings forth a virtuosity that can hardly be compared to others. The guitar is made into one of the most beautiful tools of the classical genre in only a few moments in the hands of the master. Part of the credit should, of course, go to Bach himself for the compositions; but the performance at hand is that which is reviewed. Pieces performed include works from "Cello Suite No. 3," "Violin Partita No. 1," and the "Lute Suites." For any fan of Bach, or Baroque in general, this would be a stunning addition. For fans of classical guitar, it may well already be known. ~ Adam Greenberg