If the only essential
Judy Garland record from her Capitol years is Judy at Carnegie Hall, this three-disc set from British EMI makes the perfect accompaniment for those who want to delve yet deeper. With 2007 digital remastering performed on every track, it includes the complete contents of four records -- 1956's
Judy, 1957's
Alone, 1958's
Judy in Love, and 1960's
That's Entertainment! -- plus highlights from many others (
Miss Show Business, Garland at the Grove,
The Letter, the soundtrack for I Could Go on Singing, The Judy Garland Show).
Judy and
Alone are not only career landmarks but a pair of the best vocal albums of the '50s, with arrangements from
Nelson Riddle and
Gordon Jenkins (respectively) that pulled out all the stops in a manner that had only ever appeared on
Sinatra albums. Bonus material includes two previously unreleased alternate takes from
The London Sessions and mono mixes for several LP tracks (that were chosen because they were judged superior to existing stereo mixes). ~ John Bush