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Before You Say Goodbye
Raffi Quijano
Heavenly Crazy
Christ triumphant
Salisbury Cathedral Choir, David Halls, John Challenger, John Barnard
Great Hymns from Salisbury
Barnard: In The Heart Where Love Is Abiding
The Choir Of Trinity College, Melbourne, Michael Leighton Jones, John O'donnell
Ubi Caritas
Go Forth and Tell!
The Choir Of Winchester Cathedral, David Hill
Hymns and Psalms from Winchester, Vol. 2
Christ triumphant ever reigning
Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir, Aric Prentice, Charles Harrison, J. Barnard
Great Hymns from Lincoln
God to Adam Came in Eden
The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem
Christmas in Bethlehem
Rocket Science
Eenie Meanie Halloweeny
Trevor Mcshane
Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning
All Saints Aston Church Choir
Hymns Collection
Hear My Voice
John Barnard
Beyond the Clouds
The Silent Hills of Childhood
Riding the Storm
Why Is It So
Searching for Inner Peace
A Prayer
When Your Eyes Kissed Mine