In the liner notes to this two-disc collection of Bach keyboard works, pianist
William Corbett-Jones makes reference to the fact that many of the pieces were written for clavichord or harpsichord and intended for intimate performances in small rooms. Yet the sound quality produced on this recording is not indicative of that assertion. While
Corbett-Jones performs on a modern piano and not one of its aforementioned predecessors, it should still be possible to achieve the same intimacy of sound. Instead, there is a hefty amount of reverberation that gives the listener the impression of being in a large concert hall rather than a small venue. Apart from issues of sound quality,
Corbett-Jones's performance is quite enjoyable as his selection of works encompassing original keyboard works and transcriptions. His pacing is refined and dignified and -- except for times when reverb dulls articulation -- his touch is quite graceful; voicing and balance in the chorales is clear and well-executed. Though this CD is unlikely to replace a recording by
Schiff or
Gould, this album could still serve as an acceptable introduction to Bach's keyboard works on a modern instrument, though listeners may prefer to skip right to an alternative with superior sound quality.