The second volume of Peter Schreier's collection of Beethoven's song bears the title Liebeslieder (Love Songs). And although the volume lacks not only such small gems as Der Kuss, Op. 128, and such large gems as An die ferne Geliebte, Op. 98, one cannot dispute that the songs on this disc are Beethoven's Liebeslieder. Most of the time, these are love songs to a woman, an idealized woman, but still a woman, as in Der Liebende (WoO 139) and Die Liebe, Op. 52/6. Sometimes, however, they are love songs to an idea as in the two settings of Tiedge's An die Hoffnung, Opp. 32 and 94. But whomever or whatever Beethoven is addressing, in Schreier's exquisitely beautiful and extremely expressive performance, he is addressing them with love and devotion. And while not every song in this volume is a masterpiece, every song sounds like a masterpiece in Schreier's wonderfully affectionate performances. In its way, this is as good a disc of Beethoven's Liebeslieder as has ever been recorded.