This charming disc showcases
Vivica Genaux doing what she does best: tearing through highly florid music, often at breakneck speed, without seeming to break a sweat. Even
Cecilia Bartoli -- arguably the reigning queen of fioritura -- has never handled the dizzying twists and turns of Rossini so gracefully. Of course, there is more to bel canto music than fireworks, and
Genaux's singing occasionally lacks the focus and tonal variety to sustain interest during more lyrical passages; but it is hard to resist the urge to play certain tracks, like the opening "Nacqui all' affanno...Non più mesta" from La cenerentola, many times over just to enjoy the ride.
Genaux's treatment of ornamentation, style, and the Italian language are world-class.
John Nelson and the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris deliver a sharp, colorful performance that brings the different sounds and styles of Rossini and Donizetti, the two featured composers, into relief. The varied program includes one especially rare number: "Popolo, amici...Ah! Sì, da tanti affani" from Donizetti's early Alahor in Granata, which only received its first modern performance in 1998. Other highlights include "Il segreto per esser felici" from Lucrezia Borgia, which is just a great tune, and of course Rosina's "Una voce poco fa" from Il barbière di Siviglia; it would be hard to find a better performance of that favorite anywhere.