While the group doesn't show any signs of challenging itself, it plies its trade well, delivering tales of romantic loss via
Gustavo Ángel's beautiful tenor. The group sticks to pop power ballads, cumbias, and the mariachi-pop it's been associated with since 1991. Keyboardist and chief composer
Adolfo Ángel duets with brother
Gustavo on first single "La Mujer de los Dos" (The Woman of Both), but despite his techincally correct performance, he doesn't deliver the passion that his brother does. Ego sounds like it's creeping in on "Mi Alma Reclama" (My Soul Asks), in which the singer feels self-pity because, although he's had a thousand lovers, he's lonely tonight. The songs are also beginning to lengthen à la
Juan Gabriel, though the melodies are still strong enough to keep them interesting. ~ Douglas Shannon