Evan Olson explores danceable productions and quirky, 21st century assemblage pop on
Club Evos, his fourth solo effort and third for LoveCat Music. "Couldn't Get Worse," "Shoebox Blues," and "Let's Go Dancing" get by on melody when
White Town-ish chattering gets tiresome. Meanwhile, upbeat, electronic-oriented stuff like "Tongue Burned" or "Go-Go" sound like the television program mood setters they're probably supposed to be. "Don't Know Why" is a decent appropriation of
BT's pitch-shifted and pristine trance-house.
Club Evos' last six tracks are largely instrumental. They range from big beat sounds through to the breathy backgrounds and plaintive lead guitar of "Sunset Drive."
Evos lacks continuity, since most of its material seems designed for specific licensing opportunities. Still,
Olson is adept enough at chameleonism to make most of it work. ~ Johnny Loftus