It's a pity how few artists who truly deserve it make it big. Unfortunately, many big voiced, big talent names fly under the radar and commercially fail when they are compared to names who don't have the talent, but have the right producers. Divine Brown is one of those unfortunate artists who deserve so much more credit than they actually get. Brown's self titled debut album is a gorgeous display of talent. She's a great vocalist with a magical eight octave-range, who dazzles her audience with a mystical talent that captivates. The music on the album is just amazing. Brown is the epitome of doo wop soul, with a solid fusion of musical genius weaved into soulful beats and magical grooves. Her first single, "Old Skool Love," dazzles the listener with incredible tunes and sizzling vocals and terrific songwriting skills. After that, listeners enjoy a great array of soul samples, such as "U Shook Me," "Twist My Hair," and "Something 'Bout You." There is a small flaw, however. Brown makes this album her own with her great doo wop sound, but after so many tracks, the music starts to feel old-fashioned and repetitive. After several songs, the music is pleasantly different, but forgettable. Brown's voice carries the album at the end. Right at the end, "Warrior" brings it all home in sheer musical beauty that envelops the listener is bliss. The beginning is terrific, the end is strong, and the middle is a mild creative misstep, but Divine Brown is a strong showing from a true talent, who with a stronger team of songwriters and producers, could be immensely successful. This album shows mounds of potential, and Brown deserves to be a household name with her stunning voice. Let's see where this girl goes, hopefully it's up.
© Matthew Chisling /TiVo