The Greenhornes' third album for Hoboken indie Telstar changes very little (if any) of the group's standard formula. With the addition of new guitarist
Eric Stein however, the Cincinnati garage rockers' dead on British Invasion-meets-Midwest is more powerful and crisp sounding than ever. "Satisfy My Mind" may only have three basic chords, but
Stein lets them ring out as if he invented them himself. In fact, the Greenhornes so perfectly nail the careening, rough side of 1960s pre-psychedelic rock & roll that they leave almost no room to consider the music in any other context. They even add gimmicky harpsichord to more than one tune, a trend that was dated as soon as
the Yardbirds did it. None of this takes away from the enjoyment of the group's utterly basic, aggressive sound, but it's hard not to envision the Greenhornes becoming the soundtrack band if someone ever decides to film the
Jeff Beck story.