Economy of Motion is a pretty big step from 1997's All Lingo's Clamor EP in terms of pure aggression and abrasion -- Colosamite runs on 10 throughout the record, laying out hardcore noise and screamy chaos and anchoring them with Nick Sakes' (
Dazzling Killmen) harsh vocals. Even compared to the roughness of Colosamite's previous releases, the record is on-the-edge and over-the-top -- the band may tone down its amplitude and power at points, but even these more focused segments are just as fractured as Colasamite's most aggressive work-outs. Of course, this makes the record slightly less listenable than previous releases like All Lingo's Clamor -- but this sort of unsettling deconstruction is pretty much the point of Colosamite. Meaning that Economy of Motion is probably their finest record to this point. ~ Nitsuh Abebe