Coming 30 years after his last filmed concert special, Bill Cosby's Far from Finished is also an album memento of his first special for the Comedy Central cable television network, a milestone he addresses early on, announcing there will be no "filth, flarn, filth" coming from the stage. That is as preachy as this quite enjoyable release gets, but even without that hipster barrier, the material's ebb and flow is so slow that the album wanders past the 90-minute mark, making this no easy drop-in to catch up with Uncle Cos. This one's for Cosby fans, who are met with a set that picks up right where 1986's Those of You with or Without Children, You'll Understand left off, as domestic bliss and strife, along with the common frustrations of married life, inspire the material. Throughout the set, Cos plays the humble husband in a relationship where the wife -- deservedly -- wears the pants, so much so that he can't even order for himself while dining out, as she selects "something poached, and nothing else, so you will taste how it died." Sneaking off to grab some cookies at the restaurant bakery -- with a lady "who looked very busy, but wasn't doing anything, you know, New York City" -- provides a centerpiece for the comfortable set, and afterwards, there's a brilliant standoff between husband and wife that Cosby delivers in an elevated, artistic style. There's no geriatric complaining or "what's with these newfangled such-and-suches" to endure as the comedian is alive and involved with his audience here, looking to connect with all. Still, it is not as well assembled as his brilliant early LPs, as the Prince of Pudding Pops is in tune with the 2013 attitude where the televised special is the thing -- and the album, an afterthought -- but this is charming, funny stuff that Cosby fans will adore. Keep the fitting title or replace it with either Bill Cosby Is Still a Very Funny Fellow or Wonderfulness 2.