After a six-year silence,
Richard Lloyd (backed by mostly Scandinavian performers) released his second album, this one on the Swedish Mistlur label. This top-quality platter is more upfront and energetically rocking than its predecessor,
Alchemy. Showy, hard-driving songs like "Watch Yourself," "Lovin Man" [sic], and "Backtrack" (this last sporting a fine bluesy harmonica solo) are typical of the approach here. "Losin Anna" [sic] is a no-nonsense
Rolling Stones-derived boogie number which is spoiled a bit by
Lloyd's hoarse vocal. "Soldier Blue" ironically weds angry anti-war lyrics to danceable rock stylings. "Keep on Dancin" [sic] snitches a prominent guitar lick from
the Ramones' "Suzy is a Headbanger" for its rocking texture. Other songs like "Pleading," "Black to White," and the title track show affinity for the vibrant guitar stylings of
Television; the title number in fact contains lengthy, ringing guitar solo sections much like those of that band's first album.
Lloyd's vocal shortcomings are most noticeable on this particular song. Sound quality and production are generally good. Despite its few small blemishes, this release is an excellent one worth hearing. ~ David Cleary