Like many soul giants of the '70s who continue to perform and record new material,
the O'Jays have updated their sound for a more contemporary feel. While
Eddie Levert and company's nearly flawless vocal harmonies continue to be the anchor of the group, the clinical production found throughout is in sharp contrast with some of the warmer, most intimate moments of their Philadelphia International years. The songwriting is still among the best of their contemporaries (most notably on the quite creative "Repair Man" and "Chauvinistic") and proves that you can keep up with popular music in a dignified, classy manner without pandering to younger audiences and paying ludicrous amounts of money to have A-list producers remix your tracks. It's not exactly a return to the fold of brilliance that they once had, but it's close and still quite a pleasant-sounding record. Most longtime devotees will enjoy this album from start to finish, and a few younger cats could learn a thing or two from a group of soul veterans who get the job done right nearly every time.