In today's electronic music environment, the line that separates producer from artist is getting fuzzier and fuzzier. Case in point: DJ and producer
Anthony Valadez, who made his debut album by collaborating with a variety of musicians in different ways. Some would come to his apartment and record parts for him; others would send him files from as far away as Amsterdam, which he would then arrange or take apart and put back together. In addition, the 11 tracks on
Just Visiting feature no fewer than nine different vocalists. Who is the "artist" in this scenario, and who is the "producer"? Does it matter, apart from the pesky question of publishing ownership and royalties? To the listener, it doesn't matter much at all; what does matter is the question of grooviness, and there is substantial grooviness here. The album starts strongly but gently, with "Asleep," a nicely understated groove featuring lovely overdubbed vocals by Anna Wise (of
Sonnymoon). Elsewhere you'll hear jazzy tracks with slightly cheesy Fender Rhodes piano ("Sunny Spot"), hints of dubwise ambience ("Walking Away," "Yolden Gears"), crooning bedroom R&B ("Under Water"), and Latin-tinged jazziness with a subtle
Kip Hanrahan feel. Nothing on this album is going to fill any dancefloors; the beats are too soft and the funk is too gentle. It's more along the lines of the thinking person's make-out music. ~ Rick Anderson