Labcabincalifornia is a more mature record than
the Pharcyde's debut. That's not necessarily a good thing, as
the Pharcyde's playful attitude and comic raps were much of what made them so irresistible. True, age has enlightened them on "Moment in Time" and the single "Runnin'," the former a salute to the past and the latter a description of their flight from South Central's Pharcyde Manor to the Hollywood Hills. But the music is much of the problem here. Though the raps are solid, tempos never vary from the usual midtempo jam. The keyboard-driven melodies are good -- some better than others -- but a little variety is needed. Three of the last four tracks ("The Hustle," "Devil Music," "The E.N.D.") do evoke the spirit of the debut, but by that time it's too late -- the sophomore jinx has hit. ~ John Bush