Wrapped in one of the most creatively corny sleeve designs imaginable -- an actual license to dream signed by "B. Positive" and "D. Termination," who have suspiciously identical handwriting -- the third
Kleeer album was the group's most successful, despite being powered only by a couple moderately popular singles, neither of which would ever be considered the group's defining work. The album maintains the rare balance of slickness and grittiness (topped only by
Slave and
Cameo) of 1979's
Winners, and it's a little heavier on ballads and synthesizer work. If it weren't for its silly
John Wayne impersonation (years before Shawn Brown's "Rappin' Duke"), "Get Tough" wouldn't be too distinguishable from the raft of simply functional funk singles of the year, but the follow-up, "Running Back to You," works a dramatic midtempo groove as well as
the Gap Band's "Early in the Morning" -- and in this case, the protagonist is more forthcoming about why things went wrong and is desperate to straighten them out. "Say You Love Me" should've been a regular presence on quiet storm programs, and a couple other cuts -- "Hypnotized," "Where Would I Be (Without Your Love)" -- demonstrate the shortcomings of the two
Kleeer anthologies that appeared before the dawn of the 2000s. ~ Andy Kellman