Haujobb's delicate and complicated flavor of electro has been loaned to many other artists in the remix scene, and
Matrix is the release that returns the favor.
Matrix compiles the highlights of
Solutions for a Small Planet in new and different forms, as other electro and industrial artists bring a range of flavors to the material. The outcomes vary in style. Many of the mixes are rearrangements created by haujobb, as much reinterpretations of album versions as new musical ideas. The kinds and rates of change are not static. In some tracks all that remains are a few original musical elements, as the structure of the track is torn down and redigitized, such as the forced fit of quiet breakbeat in "Advanced Deviation." At the other end of the scale, "The Farthest Distance" seems closer to the source, perhaps an alternate contender for the album cut that somehow didn't quite make it. The bookend tracks, which are not remixed, provide good insights into the more quiet haujobb moments of subtle sounds layered against delicate noise. For haujobb fans, this material is all good.