This Delroy Wright-produced set, while not usually cited as a
Mighty Diamonds classic, nevertheless stands easily with the best of their 1970s work. The backing tracks, provided by members of the Revolutionaries (including the legendary
Sly Dunbar on drums and Robbie Shakespeare on bass), are slick and clean to a degree typical of the period, but not sterile or boring; Dunbar's minimalist drumming and
Dean Fraser's tasteful sax both contribute significantly to an overall sound that is deep, rich, and powerful. And as always, lead singer Donald "Tabby" Shaw holds the listener's attention with his gentle, sweet-toned delivery. Even when criticizing modern technology ("Satellite Dish"), berating the South African government ("Apartheid"), or protesting Babylonian oppression in general ("I Don't Want No Crumbs"), his voice is so caressingly lovely that it's easy to miss the seriousness of his messages. The harmonies by Fitzroy Simpson and Lloyd Ferguson, too, are top-notch on this album. ~ Rick Anderson