Nosotras Somos is the sophomore album from the multicultural, all-female, new flamenco quartet from Barcelona. The big change is, of course, that singer
Sílvia Pérez Cruz has left the group for a critically acclaimed solo career, and Alba Carmona has taken her place. Carmona's voice and singing are much closer to traditional cante, which has certainly strengthened the group's flamenco core. Musically, however, the quartet's inventive fusion continues to shine through, in a repertory that equally encompasses traditional flamenco, Ibero-American singer/songwriters (Lhasa de Sela,
Joan Manuel Serrat, Henry Martínez), poets (Rafael Alberti), and the group's own material.
Nosotras Somos was produced by Raúl Rodríguez, who was responsible for 2011's like-minded, gorgeous
El Aire Que Te Rodea, by
Martirio & José María Vitier. ~ Mariano Prunes