Down from a trio to a duo, post-dubstep act
Dark Sky released their second full-length, Othona, on longtime home Monkeytown in 2017. A typically eclectic affair, the album shuffles through multiple styles and influences from track to track. "Domes" is night-prowling electro that seems a bit indebted to
Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence." "Cyan" contains a shuffling, intricate garage rhythm as well as a detailed, cinematic scope worthy of someone like
Jon Hopkins. "Badd" pairs an
Orbital-esque melody with slightly jazzy brushed snares and 4/4 kicks. The final tracks are around seven minutes each, but they seem to stretch on for a lot longer, and go for a grand emotional climax without pulling out all the stops and getting excessively dramatic. "The Walker" might've been referred to as "progressive house" in a past era, and "Field Tower" is a heart-pounder with tricky beat programming and light, almost childlike melodies. As with
Dark Sky's first album (and, well, many albums by techno artists who commonly produce singles), Othona is a more melodic, introspective effort rather than a collection of dancefloor killers. That doesn't mean it's filled with downtempo mopers, however. The duo pares back without slowing down or skimping on heart or passion. ~ Paul Simpson